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History and background of this trend


All you should know about power beads and its meaning



March 1999: CNN shows a dialogue between Richard Gere and Dalei Lama. At the end of this dialogue - good visible for all viewers - both are shaking their hands. Both wore power beads made of real gems. This was the start for a worldwide new trend: Wearing power beads made of gemstones (minerals).

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Effects of wearing gems

It has always been said that gemstones have healing power. Many people believe on it. Some people wear their personal lucky stone, some try to heal different illnesses with stones.

Let's take the rose-quartz for instance: It is said, that it can absorb any negative radiation. So it is often placed in computer-rooms so that he can absorb negative radiation of the computers. 


Also when phoning with your handy the rose-quartz can help to reduce the eventually negative radiation.

Some environment - technician found out that up to 85% of the eventually negative ratiation is reduced when wearing a rose quartz power-bead.

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Meanings of the Power-Beads

Did you recognize that exactly 21 pearls are used on a powerbead? In the middle is a big one- the "master-pearl".


Meaning of 21!

21 results from the multiplication of 3 and 7.

Meaning of 7:

Number of the universe

Number of completeness

Presents the aspect of quietness

Number of the ascent to the highest (in Buddhism)

First number which is complete (in Islam)

The seventh day is holy (in Judaism)


Meaning of 3:

First number that ascends the Duality

Divinity appears in Trinity


Also the form of the pears has a special meaning.

The ball:

Represents totality, harmony.

The stringed balls build a circle which stands for completeness.

Besides to these presented meanings there is also the "healing-power of the stones".

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Which stone should you choose?

There are different possibilities to choose. On the one hand you can trust in your feelings. You can choose a bead that that appeals to you. On the other hand you can take a look at the different effects of the stones. 

But: Never wear a bead just because of the specific effect, when you don't like it.


How can you clean the powerbeads?

- some minutes under cold water.


On which hand should I wear the powerbead?

The right hand is connected with the left part of the brain. This part stand for logic. So you have to wear powerbeads for strength, just all active stones, on the right hand. The passive stones should you wear on the left hand.


If you have a question, or if you'd like to order, just send an Email to kunstwerke@hotmail.com . I will answer personally at once.


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